Did I not explain that this was private? why then have you come here? What the hell is wrong with you!? Are you really no more than a nosy bugger snooping around in my very personal affairs! My appologies if you feel assualted, but you should have minded your own business, I let you see all of my website, and you betray that by going here? Why, Why betray the kindness and openess that I have shown you? Why do you spit on my generocity, when all I ask is that you do not go into one specific place? Are you ignorant of the story of Adam and Eve, they were kicked out of heaven for breaking the one rule imposed on them by the almighty, and you in effect have done something very similar, I gave you everything you needed to know, and you still search into the what should be left private! I give you a view into my twisted psyche and this is how you repay me! Begone, and never return to my page again, one who cannot follow the obvious rules of respect! Begone foul creature! Go back to the hole that you crawled out of!